Info product creation is the way to go...

But what do you do if you don't have the patience or time to spend weeks or months on this project? What if you want something to sell within a week? And you're on your own?

"Case Study: Here's How I Went from Zero to $745 in 3 days From Scratch with My Most Successful Solo Launch Yet"

What if you have no idea where to start?

Being a solopreneur can be a lonely business. Filled with lots of guesswork. Will this work?

We often spend weeks or months creating a course or writing an eBook...

And we launch it into the world with excitement.

Only to see it fall flat to the sound of crickets. Queue sunset and exit hero.

It doesn't have to be that way, though.

Hi, I'm Britt Malka, and one Sunday evening, I was in panic mode.

My plans for the following week's promotions had just gone down the drain. The vendor forgot to give me an affiliate link. And now he was away... sick.

Sure, I had my own products, but I'd just promoted all of them.

I needed something fresh and new. Something hot and sexy. And most of all, I needed something

HELP - What Do You Do In Such a Situation?

Have you ever found yourself in a similar jam?

It's no fun. Until this launch, when I found myself in this urgency, I would self-sabotage and waste my time.

Not on purpose.

But I would start on one thing. Doubt it would work. Start on a new.

And then rinse and repeat.

Start - doubt - new start...

Never finishing anything. Never having anything to sell. Unless I ended up doing something hurried because time had run out.

Then obviously that wouldn't work.

Which made me start the following week under the same impossible conditions.

Has it been like that for you, too?

Have you ever found yourself in a pickle... knowing that you HAD to do something about your situation? But you had no idea what to do. And the mere thought of having to wait weeks before you would know if something worked or not when you needed money now...

Not the best way to overcome self-doubt!

It leads to thoughts like, "My list hates me. I'm cursed. Nothing I do works."

That is not a good place to be in.

When a Strategy Doesn't Work...

You need to change it.

Radically. And that's what I did. This time I tweaked my process and did specific things in a different way.

And that resulted in a huge success and my best solo-launch yet.

If you were on my list, you've seen the tip of the iceberg. But not was going on under the surface. What thoughts went into the whole project.

You can't know what my emails did for me.

You haven't even seen them all... How do I know? Because I segmented my receivers.

But the secret was not just hidden in the emails.

So how did I do it? What did I discover?

Discovering the Secret to Success

It all began that Sunday night...

I panicked because I hadn't heard from a vendor. No affiliate link meant that I was at zero. I had nothing to promote, no way to make money in the upcoming days.

My change began there.

And it was like a miracle. Like... have you seen those movies where characters are stuck in an unpleasant present? They keep running the same loops over and over again.

And fail...

Until something happens... The loop is broken. They take another route...

And succeed...

That first step leads to a whole new set of steps which again leads to new thoughts.

That's what happened to me.

And it all began one Sunday night.

Monday Morning - T-Minus 8 and Still No Product


This morning of all mornings, I woke up late. 7:19. But somehow I felt cool.

I had no product and no plan.

Something had shifted, though. I was no longer in panic mode. I had no idea how to proceed but I felt confident that I would soon find out.

A few hours later, I went all in, writing a sales letter, writing emails, knowing exactly what I would offer and how I could help my subscribers.

Did It Work?

Within a few hours, I'd gone from zero with zero hope of making money...

And to having a both a plan and a product. This would bring in 25 customers and a total of $745. Best solo-launch yet.

(The refund was actually a mistake... and purchased again.)

Best hourly pay, too.

If I had gotten affiliates on board, I could have made more. But I didn't try. I also learned a few lessons that I would do differently the next time.

This changed my life and revamped everything about how I create new products.

And now I have a checklist to follow.

A strategy for a quick launch that works. I had nothing Sunday. Monday morning I still had nothing. Thursday evening I delivered the product.

And got praise for it.

What more can a product creator ask for?


"Solo Launch Case Study"

What You Get When You Sign Up for "Solo Launch Case Study" Can Change Your Path and Get You Out of the Loop

Solo Launch Case Study is a 2-hour live workshop that will show you:

  • How to use the image-drawing secret hypnotists use to download ideas instantly — no imagination or visualization required, yet it's like asking for a book and walking directly into a library. (It's so effective that you don't even have to have any ideas beforehand about what info product you should come up with... just your wish to get one).
  • The natural "trick" you pull on your mind that will guarantee a big idea will come to you as if you had your own pet muse.
  • The right way to come up with a big idea that will sell (doing this step wrong will reject those ideas and keep them from coming back — ever).
  • Two simple questions to ask yourself to come up with ideas for upsells that will get a 30% to 100% conversion rate — even if you don't write a sales page for the upsell.
  • How to create your info product in a way that demands almost no writing and yet can fill up a 60-page book with ease.
  • What should always be one of your first steps no matter what kind of info product you sell and why missing this step or doing it too late will cost you money and time.
  • How to structure your sales page to force your readers to go through every word you choose — even when they want to skim and find an excuse to leave.
  • The three questions you should ask yourself before you write any part of the sales page. Missing just one of these questions means the difference between a 40%+ conversion and a lousy 2% conversion.
  • How to sell your product without using webinars or sleazy copy, just using plain and simple emails (and the simpler the better).
  • How to use the outline-secret master copywriters use to create a curiosity-itch instantly in your prospect's mind. An itch so powerful that they must scratch - by buying your product.
  • My exact sequence of emails, why I added that exact content and why I chose to send it at that particular time to a targeted group of subscribers.

After This 2-Hour Live Workshop You'll Know Exactly How You can Copy and Paste My Process

You'll know EXACTLY where to start and what to do.

You'll experience the calm joy of knowing with crystal clear certainty that you can repeat what I did and come up with an idea and turn it into a finished product in four days.

You will walk away with a plan and a checklist, ready to start making money as soon as you reach your computer.

This is not a fluke.

This is repeatable. All the way down to coming up with the idea and until calling it a wrap and count your money when the dust has settled.

How can I be so certain about it being repeatable?

Because this is not theory pulled out of thin air. These steps have worked for me many times. And the new tweaks proved to instantly make a huge change. Not surprising, seeing now that they are based on simple human psychology.

So when you know this process and have the checklist...

  • You'll know when to send emails and when to wait.
  • You'll know what to write and in which order.
  • You'll know whom to write to and whom not to write to.
  • And you'll know how you can do this again and again as many times as you like.

What would you choose to propulse your blog?

Click Below to Get Access to Solo Launch Case Study Today

During this course, you'll be guided through 7 powerful modules. They must all follow each other in the exact order I show for the best result.

Module 1: Our plan

  • The all-important 1000-foot overview you need to get your aim right.

Module 2: Going from zero

  • What to do when you find out that you need to create a course within the next four days. And no, it doesn't involve brainstorming, but this method works like a charm.
  • The image-drawing secret I used to not just sow the grain but power-fertilize it to sprout the perfect product idea I knew would sell.
  • What I did that Monday morning between 7:19 and 7:30 which allowed me to rush to my computer and start working on my info product straight away. I'll tell you exactly how you can get the same kind of revelation when you need it.

Module 3: Get upsell ideas

  • The two questions you must ask yourself to create upsells so powerful that your new customer has the choice between buying or feeling the immense pain of missing out.
  • How you can offer your customers more opportunities to buy without you having to put in any extra work up front.

Module 4: Outlining your product

  • What tool to use to almost let the outline write itself and why it's the best choice.
  • How your chosen outline tool will serve as 5-in-one, saving your time and making your buyers happier.
  • Which points you must include when you outline your product to make sure to create happy customers.

Module 5: Creating the sales page

  • How I wrote a sales page that converted at almost 50% during its peak and it took me less than 3 hours. I'll give you the thoughts and strategies that went into it as well as a form of "template" so you can write your own sales page, too.
  • What elements you should add to your sales page and which you shouldn't add unless you want to reject all serious buyers from doing business with you.
  • How I kept tweaking the sales page during the launch and what you should look out when you're doing it.
  • How to use the outline-secret to make 90% of the sales page creation almost happen by itself.

Module 6: The emails

  • The main goal for your emails... And it's not to sell your product.
  • When you should send an email and what content you should have in each one of them.
  • The purpose of each email and why I sent it when I did and to whom I did. This will allow you to create your own successful campaign.
  • The exact number of emails I sent out. You have only seen a few of these emails since they went out to targeted receivers. Nobody received all of them. When you know all my emails, you can write your own high-converting emails.
  • Behind the scenes results like click rates, number of receivers, sales for every single email I sent out. Everything. Nobody knows these numbers but me. Now you can know them, too, and learn how to get similar results.

Module 7: Start tonight

  • Why the best time to start your product creation journey was not yesterday... but tonight.
  • The exact steps you need to take every time you want to create this money-making machine.

Plus you'll get

  • Direct access to me during the live workshop. You can ask any question you like about the process. If you're in doubt about the minor detail, all you have to do is ask.
  • Lifetime access to the recording. You can focus on what you learn during the workshop and can take your notes later.
  • A repeatable process that will serve you again and again as many times as you like...

Click below to get Solo Launch Case Study for only $99.95 $29 Today

As always the choice is yours.

You can either try to figure it out on your own or just leave things as they are...

Or you could buy a book and hope to be lucky... though with no way to ask the author questions.

Or you could hire a coach who hopefully understands your problem. This is an expensive solution but with the right coach, it works.

Or you could simply click the Add to Cart button and learn everything I've done directly from me and ask any question you may have about the process.

Quick Review of What You'll Get

  • Direct access to a 2 hour video recording that will show you how to create nice little info products even when you start from scratch and have nothing to promote. Clever little products that you can keep selling day after day, week after week and even years after you create them.
  • Immediate access to all the data I gathered about the emails: number of sent emails, target group, number of views both unique and repeated and more.
  • The exact steps to follow to have your own solo launch created in four days or less.

When You Choose Solo Launch Case Study You're Going to Get...

  • The powerful method I used to come up with my best-selling info product idea in less than 10 minutes.
  • Knowledge about when to send emails, what to write in them and whom to send to. You'll never again have to be in doubt or wonder about times and segmenting. (You can skip the segmenting if your autoresponder doesn't have this feature.)
  • Direct access to me during the live workshop. You can ask any question you like about the process. If you're in doubt about the minor detail, all you have to do is ask.
  • Lifetime access to the recording. You can focus on what you learn during the workshop and can take your notes later.
  • A repeatable process that will serve you again and again as many times as you like...

All that for one insanely low price right now...

During this course, you'll be guided through 7 powerful modules. They must all follow each other in the exact order I show for the best result.

After This 2-Hour Workshop You'll Know Exactly How You can Copy and Paste My Process

You'll know EXACTLY where to start and what to do.

You'll experience the calm joy of knowing with crystal clear certainty that you can repeat what I did and come up with an idea and turn it into a finished product in four days.

You will walk away with a plan and a checklist, ready to start making money as soon as you reach your computer.

This is not a fluke.

This is repeatable. All the way down to coming up with the idea and until calling it a wrap and count your money when the dust has settled.

You'll know when to send emails and when to wait.

You'll know what to write and in which order.

You'll know whom to write to and whom not to write to.

And you'll know how you can do this again and again as many times as you like.

Click below to get Solo Launch Case Study for only $99.95 $29 Today

The price doesn't stay this low. You can't run a successful business with such low prices so I'm forced to increase it as soon as the recording is up.

Therefore click the red buy button below and reserve your spot now.

Quick Recap of What You Get

Solo Launch Case Study is a 2-hour workshop that will show you:

  • How to use the image-drawing secret hypnotists use to download ideas instantly — no imagination or visualization required, yet it's like asking for a book and walking directly into a library. (It's so effective that you don't even have to have any ideas beforehand about what info product you should come up with... just your wish to get one).
  • The natural "trick" you pull on your mind that will guarantee a big idea will come to you as if you had your own pet muse.
  • The right way to come up with a big idea that will sell (doing this step wrong will reject those ideas and keep them from coming back — ever).
  • Two simple questions to ask yourself to come up with ideas for upsells that will get a 30% to 100% conversion rate — even if you don't write a sales page for the upsell.
  • How to create your info product in a way that demands almost no writing and yet can fill up a 60-page book with ease.
  • What should always be one of your first steps no matter what kind of info product you sell and why missing this step or doing it too late will cost you money and time.
  • How to structure your sales page to force your readers to go through every word you choose — even when they want to skim and find an excuse to leave.
  • The three questions you should ask yourself before you write any part of the sales page. Missing just one of these questions means the difference between a 40%+ conversion and a lousy 2% conversion.
  • How to sell your product without using webinars or sleazy copy, just using plain and simple emails (and the simpler the better).
  • How to use the outline-secret master copywriters use to create a curiosity-itch instantly in your prospect's mind. An itch so powerful that they must scratch - by buying your product.
  • My exact sequence of emails, why I added that exact content and why I chose to send it at that particular time to a targeted group of subscribers.

After purchase, you'll get an email with a link to download. You'll also see the download link(s) straight away. If you're not already a subscriber to my list, the system will add you. You can unsubscribe at any moment if you don't like my emails.


PS If you have questions or doubts about if this course can help you, let me know. Just click the link below to reach me on my support desk.

PPS This is a unique chance to get insight into what's going on behind the curtain of a successful solo launch. I won't hold anything back. I'll show you ALL the emails I sent (also the ones that were only sent to a few handpicked people), what time I sent them and why, and why I wrote that particular email at that point, that exact day and to this exact target group. You'll get access to my private case study with my repeatable process so that you can go ahead and do exactly the same.

Because of the nature of this product, all sales are final.

Questions? Problems? Contact me here:

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